Saturday, May 10, 2008

New Babies!!!!!!!!!!

The broody hen (Dolly) hatched out 3 chicks! 1 chipmunk looking one and 1 yellow one on Thursday or Friday and a second yellow one Friday or Saturday. The first three chicks hatched by Saturday, it is now Wednesday...I don't think the other egg is going to hatch, but either way 3 out of 4 ain't bad!! Now on to the pics!

Here is Momma (Dolly) and the first chick!

Here is Momma with her first 2 chicks and that 5th egg! We are waiting for our pink camo chick!!

This was taken on Mother's Day! I Love You Momma!
Another Mother's Day I Love You!!

I will try to get pics of the third chick as soon as I can! It is an illusive little fluffy butt!!

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