My banty coop began with a FREE Serama Hen ad on craigslist. Shelby and I went to get her and on the way home decided her name should be Miranda (Lambert).
With Miranda being so tiny (and not yet having a Banty Coop in mind I put Tina (Turner) in with Miranda and they became the best of buds!)
I soon decided Miranda needed a boyfriend and since the real Miranda is dating Blake Shelton, I decided it would only be right to give my Miranda her own Blake (Shelton)!
Blake is a Serama roo with Silkie feathering. (Miranda soon decided he wasn't to bad!)
The three became inseparable!
Not too long after getting Blake I saw an add on Craigslist for three banty hens that needed a new home. It was obvious Tina missed her big friends and Blake would like more girlfriends! So I called on the hens, they were already spoken for. :( After talking with the lady more we discovered that we were both members of the Pet Chickens of Texas site and she decided she knew they would have a good home with me and so here they are! These three do not have names yet, but I am working on it.!!
She looks like a Japanese Bantam to me?!? Maybe
After their quarantine period they were turned loose with Blake, Miranda, and Tina. Blake and Miranda took to them quickly, but Tina was very aggressive with the Black hen, so Tina got evicted and is now back in with the layer flock. She seems happier with the big flock! Here she is pestering me because I was taking pictures of these new girls instead of her!!
Blake and two of his girls!
Blake and his OTHER two girls!