We are buying a young doeling and a doe from a lady in NE Texas. She will be delivering them around the end of July. She has to come down here to buy a doe and they are waiting for the doe to kid.
Dam - VICKIE RAE GL001257221
born 05
milking 4-5lbs
freshened 2x - 06 buckling 9lbs, 07 - bred to young buck didn't take, 08 - preemie buck doa
Bred to THE SWEDE FARM DOBIE'S ANSON - L001388125 (PB Buck)
Dam - Gypsy (GL1201796)
Sire - THE SWEDE FARM DOBIE'S ANSON - L001388125 (PB Buck)
born 1/14/08 ((one of twin doelings)
NOT registered, but easy to do